
Crazy Taxi Driver

I'm such a crazy taxi driver. I don't know where I'm leading my own life towards. I feel like I've yet to put God into my driver seat. For now, I think I'm still occupying it. I've heard from everywhere, "It's not right heather, don't.."

Am I leading myself down the wrong path? What am I going to do for my future life? Just continue like this?

Mom isn't at home right now. I don't know where she went. Dad just flew to Boston, my brother school?, and my sister is at work. I really wanna get out of the house. I asked him if he would meet up with me today, also cause I wanted to tell him something..but he said something else. Hm...that kinda made me mad, but whatevers..I can't really get mad at him for that. I still really want to go out though. I need to tell him something asap. Other than today, I wonder when I can say it. I don't wanna do it on facebook, msn, or even on the phone. Nor would I tell my other friends about it through the computer or phone. I really wanna tell everyone in person.

He's not talking to me right now, but he's online. I don't really know if he's gone from the computer, or just ignoring me.

What have I driven myself into these days? I think I've driven myself into a corner. Not just to a corner, but into a corner. I can't really move right now and I feel really stressed about all the situations happening. I wish I could take a break, but I don't think I least just yet.

Good thing tears haven't started flowing yet. I'm just thinking to myself, maybe I can turn myself around just before they start. Trust me, walls aren't very fun to be driven into.

All my friends are leaving this weekend to somewhere. I wish I could go with them. I wish I could just run away from everything. All the messes that I've created, all the troubles, and all the hurt.

Thinking back, why didn't I let God drive me? I don't think I even tried. What is it like to be driven by God? I know that he never loses his way.

Am I really driving through the smooth roads? 'cause when God drives, I know that although the roads may be bumpy and ugly, he still drives right over them. But even though he drives over them, they're always the right path.

*sigh*, I'm such a Crazy Taxi Driver

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