July 22 – August 2, 2009
As many of you may know, I grew up with two lovely Christian parents, a loving sister, and a protective brother. Being born in a Christian family never gave me the “snap” moment-the moment that many of my friends who weren’t born in a Christian family had, and also the moment I sometimes wish I had. The hour of finally realizing what Jesus did for me. Instead, I heard the phrase, “Jesus loves you” almost everyday of my past 15 years from my parents. Sometimes, I wish that I weren’t born into a Christian family just so that I can experience what it’s like. But after all, I was born in this family and I know there must be a reason so I’m grateful.
If I were to think back a few years before, getting baptized would be something I would have never thought I’d do because I’d have to stand up here like this, and talk. Since I was born into a Christian family, I thought I wouldn’t have anything to talk about. It would just be, “Yes, I’ve accepted Jesus to be my personal Lord and Savior!” But now, I realize the importance of getting baptized; the importance of voicing out and telling everyone who you really are.
Honestly, I don’t remember when I really accepted Christ at all. All I remember is constantly asking him into my heart every single night; only because I knew that during the day, I must have done at least one thing wrong. When I was young, every time I did something wrong, I would freeze, look up, and ask, “Mommy? Is Jesus dying on the cross right now?!” I believe that I knew what I was doing when I prayed this prayer every night, but I didn’t know that this decision would change my life forever. Change my life into a life serving the Lord. Change my life into a life I don’t live for myself or for others but for him and only him. I never really understood anything until I grew a little older and my parents finally told me that I didn’t have to pray multiple times to accept Jesus. Once is enough, and it’s for a lifetime.
I enjoyed the lifestyle I had. I mean, going to church every Sunday. We would sing songs, have a weird/cool bible story and then go find our parents and EAT. Every Sunday of my life, not including all my away trips, I stuck with this routine without asking questions. Not till I grew older (about 7th grade) did I really become serious about this religion.
Okay, now let’s take a total twist into the mission’s field. Three years ago, I spent my whole summer in HK. In the month of august, I attended a camp that trained me to go out for missions. It was called Gateway. It was the very first time I actually experienced God. This one week camp was filled with people from all over the world. During worship, I looked around to see all the people worshiping in their own special way. It was definitely a beautiful sight that I will remember for my whole life. After this camp, we branched out into different mission teams around HK. With my advantage of speaking English, I entered into a two week mission to teach English to children just around two or three years younger than me.
My first mission’s trip. I was 12 years old and also the youngest there. On the first day, when the team grouped together, the team leader gave me the position as the leader of one of the classes. Later, I pulled him aside to ask him why he gave me that position since I was so young. He simply said, “I see leadership in you Heather. May God lead you to guide these children.” I was starting to doubt God, but I accepted and walked away deep in thought. As the two weeks zoomed by, I started overcoming my own troubles in teaching the children. Though the weather was terribly stormy on the last day of the two weeks, the children still did their best to attend. God really blessed us with those two weeks of being able to share his word. We ended up with 35/43 children accepting Christ.
A couple years ago, my parents had a dream to go into missions with the whole family, and last December of 2008, the dream finally came true. This trip was totally different from my first trip. This trip to China was a much harder commitment to me.
My second mission’s trip. Before the trip, as any other teenage girl would say, I said, “I’m too young. I haven’t even reached the minimum age for going on this trip. God, why are you telling me to go? What could I be doing on this trip when I’m just about their age, or younger? I can’t even speak mandarin. Why not just spend this winter break with my friends?” From this mission’s trip, I’ve learned a bunch, but one of the many things that really stuck to my mind were these three words: ya gotta believe. My decision to go instead of stay for winter break is a decision I will never regret. Being as young as the children, I was able to bond better with them. This trip to CQ changed my views, and my life in a way. It taught me how to be appreciative of things, and that even though you don’t have much, you can still always be joyful. I think I learned more than the children learned in those two weeks. Overall, I found out that God really did have a plan for me, and all I had to do was believe.
As many of you know, I’m a home schooled girl. Homeschooling has always been an interesting aspect of my life. I’ve been homeschooled for just about nine years now. My parents constantly remind me of why they home school me- to build a godly character in me. I want to thank my parents for just what they’ve built me into.
My freshman year of my high school has just flown by. During this year, my fellowship, New Life, has been a great part of my life. The friends I’ve bonded with are like no other. When I was in Challengers – the middle school fellowship, going to church on Fridays was more like a routine I did. Now, with New Life, it’s more of finding my relationship with God all over again every week. I can’t deny those times where I’ve fallen straight down into a pit because of how I neglected God and my relationship with Him. And this is what I mean by “fallen straight down into a pit”. My attitude towards others showed up, my disobedience to my parents, and all the other things I could list. But Tung has always emphasized on going to God’s word whenever we have problems, and in Proverbs 15:1, it says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This verse really helped me tone down my voice. Not saying it’s all good now, but I think it’s slowly getting better. Every week, as I continue to attend New Life, it has always brought me back on track with my relationship with Him.
Back in January, New Life, had a retreat named Capture/d/ with several other churches. On a Saturday night, everyone gathered in the main room. Four tables were set up with candles as our light. Each table had a different name: addictions, purity, depression, and worldly pursuits. We went around tables confessing everything: what happened in our lives, what we’re going through. Tears rolled down several students’ faces as we walked in circles, sat in a corner, or went to a counselor for prayers. God really showed up there while everyone was reflecting back onto what they had done. I personally had an awesome time there reflecting and also thinking about what God has done for me. Sometimes I think there are more that can be done, but actually, God has really given me everything I need.
Only after one single year, this fellowship already appears as a home with sisters and brothers to go to when I need them. I feel so blessed that God has brought them into my life. This year has really been an eventful year for me too. But throughout all the ups and downs, the end result was always going back to God, and everything flowed again like a river.
I’ve done so much wrong in this life of mine. But it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17:
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
So now, I’ll give up this current life of mine and let God, as the driver of my life, lead my new life.