

As a little girl, I used to dream of many different things, think about many different things, and want many different things.

Such as those dreams about Candy Land. Oh my, you'll NEVER guess. EVERYTHING was candy.....just like the Willy Wonka movie. haha, I probably got that dream after watching anyways. =P I think all girls have that once in a life time. We as girls will never go without that dream for a lifetime.

Ever have those dreams where you don't get them once, twice, but three times? I had a nightmare once. It didn't come once or twice, it came thrice. Ohh....scary, it really was--but gotta remember. God's by your side. You never have to be afraid of anything. There was also a dream I had. I still remember it vaguely. It's haha....really weird. It was about...starwars--ok, come on, out of ALL movies, starwars? I don't even like it. Anyways, it would be a really sunny day, and I'd be trapped in the enemies' territory. When I woke up, I'd be drenched in sweat. Ew, just ew..

Those dreams......I wish I still had them. I wish I were a little, carefree girl again. I've grown up now. I just don't understand. Why is it that when we're all young, we wanna be old, but when we're old, we would wanna be young? I don't get human minds--moreover, my own. I don't think anyone can interpret my mind....except for God, not even me. ^^ Yeah, He's awesome. (Amen?)

Although I know that this will never happen, but sometimes I wish these dreams would just come true--into reality. Good dreams come part of life...bad dreams, become reality. It's true actually. Sometimes I feel as if I'm living a dream-- haha, heard that sentence before? yeah, many times.

Ahh, dreams...dreams dreams...I wouldn't be able to go a day without dreams. This word actually is so meaningful. Just a twist can lead you down a different path with the word 'dream'.

Any real dreams or goals? I don't know. Has anyone (who's a girl) ever dreamed of marrying their dad (or vise versa?) Just cause they're SO amazing. I used to wanna find a husband like my dad. Actually, I might still want to.

So tell me now, what are your dreams?

Inspired by: Melissa Ling

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