
Passing Days

Sunday School (SS). Today was apparently the last day for me to teach my SS kids. There's one more week, but I won't be there because of New Life camping. Sometimes, I think I realize things to slowly. I forgot that I would be at camping next week and can't teach--I'm even supposed to be TEACHING that Sunday. I sometimes think I'm just daydreaming my life on.

Forgetful. It's just me. It's the way God made me right? haha. It's SO true. There's two birthday parties that I was invited to. I forgot to ask my mom about BOTH of them until one of my friends called the day before. I could've planned a ride there, but nooo....I forgot--so I guess my punishment was just....not going? You have NO idea how many times my friends reminded me to do something this summer. Must've been a million already, and there's still about two more weeks. My mom's friend called yesterday night. She told me to tell my mom something to do, but I completely forgot--it was due today.....THANKFULLY my mom remembered to do it even though I didn't "remind" her. Gosh, what's my life right now? Please tell me that I'm not going crazy lazying off my days in life.

Summer. Someone tell me why this summer has been such a drag. It's actually true. I feel so bored yet I don't wanna go to school at ALL. It's the VERY first time I've felt that way. Am I just growing older? That's not good--considering that hairspray stuff we talked about *coughmcough*. haha. oh dear.

Daydreaming. Oh, you have no idea. It's not even real daydreaming. It's just.......lets say, imaginary? *sigh. How great can life get. haha, bleh...get what I mean? Today at SS, oh...more like the whole day. I was totally out of it. Said some weird things, and then thought back and wanted to punch myself in the face. Did some weird things, and totally thought I was going crazy. At that moment.

Swimming. Well, great news huh? I'm swimming in the MIHS swim team this fall. Interesting............I'm SO freakin outta shape. Maybe I should start up again....NOW--just so that I don't embarrass myself when I get back in. Considering I went to Districts last year, it would be REALLY sad if I didn't even make it into Varsity this year huh? Dontcha think?

Oh goodness. Help me. There's something I really want to do right now. There's someone I wanna talk to. It's just one click away.....ahhh, just can't seem to hit it. O well. Too late. ^^ Haha, that's a lie. I'll probably end up saying "hi!". *sigh*. I feel like such a failure today-------tonight.

Remaining Days Spent. Don't know what I'll do. Any suggestions? Got a pile of books next to my bed--but that's kinda...haha, not happening. Skimmed one book--tossed that one, read a book--YES. I ACTUALLY FINISHED IT, and.....on to another one--hm...pretty interesting, it's a keeper (haha. I feel like I'm trying to find a guy here--oh! it's a keeper...oh my, WHAT...the HECK.)

The Sneaky Me. So much sneaking around this, it's even on the internet with a phone talking till what...3 am? It's either reading till that time, or talking with my friends and listening to music both ways. I'll add. This year...haha, can't say much but the word "eventful". That pretty much sums up my WHOLE entire Freshman year--tell me what you think!

Passing Days. I gotta think. What should I do for the rest of my passing days? I tried to get fit, but now my stomach's bigger than usual. Isn't that sad? Seriously, it's like..when I actually TRY to get fit, I get FAT. When I don't, I'm just...usual--not fat, not slim, not fit, not ANYTHING.

Okay, gotta go to bed. Parents. Haha, YEAH!

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