
Toby's Message

So yesterday at New Life (NL), we had a guest speaker from California. He's an amazing speaker, and guess what we talked about? DATING AND RELATIONSHIPS.

"It's not about age. It's about maturity."

While he was speaking, his message really brought me back to what I wrote in my previous post. How I was wishing on all those things that probably wouldn't come true soon. It really gave me a big moment to think when he listed the reasons that we SHOULDN'T be dating for. He said you shouldn't be dating:

* To seek attention
* To be loved by another person
* For Physical attraction
* Or because you're in a time where you really need comfort from someone else other than your family.

So take a moment right now and think. (esp. if you're in a relationship right now.) Why do you want this relationship? Why do you even like this person? If you say that you think God wants you in this relationship, why? Don't just try to get out of it lightly and say "God wants me in this relationship, and that's why I'm going to say yes to dating this guy/girl. I've prayed about it so much already. I think it's time to say yes." Really take this time to ponder.

Pastor Toby talked about purity too. Losing your purity doesn't only mean that you have sex with the other person. Think about this clearly. What DOES losing your purity really mean? Think back to whatever you've done with that significant other. Are you still pure?

During this age--teenage--, most of us are thinking about relationships if not school. Why is that? Is it true that we just don't see the love that God our Father gives us? Pastor Toby was also saying how all you need to know is that God loves you. All you need to know is that God is there for you--always. not sometimes, always.

So take your stand! What side are you going to stand on? Do you think you and your significant other are mature enough to stand in this relationship? Don't do something you'll regret. And remember! God is always here no matter what. In fact, he also wants to draw NEARER to you.

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