
A New Day Approaching-Change

Today's a new day and I'm going to make the best out of it once again. It's half spring break for me. The sun's been shining like crazy lately. Easter's coming up. It's the day that the Lord has risen. After three days of torture, He rises from the grave. He has wiped our sins away giving us a chance to live once again.

There's so many things that I want to have going on in my life right now. But honestly, there are things I need to throw out. It's those things that you hold so specially to your heart. An idol. Except, it's not exactly an idol. It's not a thing either. The thoughts that enter my mind. The things I think about. Everything.

It's a new day approaching, what can I change? Ohh, now that I have this question in my face..I'll say this. Don't be afraid of change. Ever. Because I'm telling you now, even right now, you're changing. Everyone changes, and you're not the only one. If it helps, I'm with you. I'll be here for you as long as you need me. I'm saying this because I know that I need to change. There are so many things in me that I need to let out. No matter if I've jailed them in for a day, a week, a month, a year, or several years. They need to go, and since it's a new day..I will. Anybody wanna join the club?

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget! True and lasting change comes from God and the Holy Spirit working in us
