
Coming To An End

The school years coming to an end already. Just a couple more months--hang in there! Honestly, these few months of school has flown by so incredibly quickly. Although at times, I would just sit in the middle of my empty living room and wonder alone. Daydream--yes, my favorite past time.

They say that time goes by quickly when you're having fun. Am I really having fun though? Are you? Or are we just...growing up? Growing up into the next generation. It's so hard to think that we're up next. We're standing on the edge of the mat that leads to the competition floor. Almost there. Almost there, but not quite. I'm not ready yet. No matter how confident I am, no matter how much I know that I'll blow the audience's mind with my very own routine..I'm not ready. Not ready to go out and perform, oh and I know that. So many things have been lingering in me and I know that it'll make me trip when I start to walk out in front of the judges.

It seems like to me, even though I know those things..I still walk out. In fact, I've already walked out. While shaking and tripping over my own feet, I walk out to the judges. I pose for the start of my routine and try to go with the flow. When I make a mistake, the small ones I wave off. The big ones I stutter for a second, but then wave those off too.

On the carpet, I felt like I was the only one in the world. I was in my own little world. I waved off what I did wrong and never thought about it twice. I was in a dream. Everything was perfect even though I waved my mistakes off. But when my routine finished, I snapped right back into reality.
When I leave the floor, the scoreboard gives me my score. It's below average. --ohh, how I wish to be a kid again.

There's so many things in life to learn. I've heard that you can't learn it all alone. Take from other people's mistakes. Don't make it yourself, or you'll never get far in life. Don't worry though, you're not alone. Everyone around you: your family, friends, and mentors are here for you. Most importantly, when you ARE alone, when there's no physical bodies with you..God's with you. He's always with you even though you don't notice it. He looks over you. 他关心你. There's no other kind of love like that. You see, it's unconditional. Maybe you're lonely, but remember, He's always there with you.

So no matter if you're standing on the edge of that mat, or if you are in the middle of it waiting for your turn, don't be scared. Watch and learn from others who make mistakes on the floor so that you don't make them too. Fill your head with what's right-Not in the eyes of you or your friends, but in the eyes of the Lord.

I'll be here for you no matter what. It's a promise that I won't break.

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